Tools to Transform
your Cloud?

Is Your Azure Meeting Your

At the Cloud Development Group we have had extensive experience with Microsoft’s Azure. Last year our engineers worked on an app that halved the time it took NHS Customers to see a consultant.

The Cloud Development Group provide cutting-edge DevOps solutions for businesses using Azure. Our tools and services help streamline the process of running and managing applications on the platform, resulting in increased efficiency, heightened security, and cost savings. We can help you harness the power of Azure to its fullest potential. We can also help you move to other platforms to reduce your cost or take advantage of features offered by GCP, AWS or other providers.
If, like many companies, you have licences for other Microsoft products, there may be cost benefits of using Azure rather than alternatives. If so, we can help you move your platform here. In one case we have worked on, a large retail company that has both Azure and AWS we were able to advise strategies and technologies to help effect this move quickly and save them time and money.

If you already know or want to talk to us just call 01344 952 705 or

23.2 % Savings

Make Your Cloud Costs Evaporate

As cloud costs continue to escalate, and as you suddenly hit new tiers of spend, you may feel helpless in the face of rising costs.The average savings we have had across our cutomers is 23.2% of spend on their cloud by using us to find the best solution and help you to move there.


Let’s Get Started

If you would like to speak to a friendly and helpful member of our team, ask questions, discuss option or to help with anything on your mind, please get in touch.

CALL 01344 952 705 SEND AN EMAIL

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