Your Cloud Forecast: "Stormy"
Welcome To This

Is Your Cloud Meeting Your

If you are like most businesses, it’s difficult to answer this with an emphatic ‘Yes’.

It is fair to say that cloud computing has made all our lives easier by removing the need to buy hosting, load balance, migrate servers and double down on security, but it is also true to say that it is not all that it’s cracked up to be.

If you are like many of the businesses we speak to, you will have one or more of these challenges:

  • What started off as a neat solution has become increasingly complicated
  • Your costs have been mounting and you’re not sure why
  • You have a number of instances, possibly more than one supplier and it’s hard to keep on top
  • You would like to migrate to another supplier, but are concerned about the consequences
  • You want to launch a new solution, and want to compare cloud options

Which is where CDG comes in. We are experienced in helping a wide number of Corporate and SMEs manage their cloud solutions better.

You can get on top of costs and performance, compare and contrast alternatives,  simplify your approach and finally get the end cloud solution you thought that you were buying in the first place.

So, whatever your challenge, CDG are here to help.

If you already know or want to talk to us just call 01344 952 705 or

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23.2 % Savings

Make Your Cloud Costs Evaporate

As cloud costs continue to escalate, and as you suddenly hit new tiers of spend, you may feel helpless in the face of rising costs.The average savings we have had across our cutomers is 23.2% of spend on their cloud by using us to find the best solution and help you to move there.


Let’s Get Started

If you would like to speak to a friendly and helpful member of our team, ask questions, discuss option or to help with anything on your mind, please get in touch.

CALL 01344 952 705 SEND AN EMAIL

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